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Availability | EXTREMELEY LIMITED. |
BRAND NEW BEST QUALITY 12 G MK38 GRADE V OVER AND UNDER MIROKU SHOTGUN. ALSO, what many people will happily agree, one of, if not THE BEST VALUE guns in production today. NO, I did NOT say CHEAPEST. But for what money these are they do offer up SUPERB VALUE. Just compare the Build Quality and Finish with anything else out there at an equivalent price point. If you do not agree then FINE. Buy what you consider is better. Nothing lost as I am happy to order whatever you consider / works for you. You GENUINELY think you can suggest better by all means do so. Happy to take a look.
30” (760mm) Multi Choke Barrels with a SPORTING set up ½” (12mm) Ventilated Rib and 3” (75mm) Magnum Chambers. The Rib Cross File Matt Finished to both outer 1/3rds with the centre finished in line with the barrels and Twin White Sighting Beads. Basically it offers up a Great ‘Aiming Channel’ to guide you in to a perfect target acquisition. Not that you should see any rib with a perfect fit but this is a Sporter. YES, CIP Fleur de Lisle Steel Shot Proof But WHY WOULD YOU? Personally I would never send any down any of my guns and this would be no exception. There ARE alternatives available NOW so PLEASE DO READ ON to the bottom.
These guns also feature an Adjustable Pull Length by way of the Trigger Blade mounted on a slide bar. Currently set to approx. mid position its offering up a length at 14 7/8” (373mm). There is approx. 3/8” (10mm) travel +/- either way to allow a final fit to YOU if needed.
Semi-Schnable Forend to finish the aesthetics and overall GREAT looks and feel these guns offer.
Action is Bright Finished and ALL Fully Adorned with Scroll and Foliate Engraving right the way around. Front to Back. Currently set up for Manual Safety but its an easy enough adjustment to swap over for Automatic. Overall the gun comes in at a total length of 47 5/8” (1210mm) and weighs in at 8 Lbs 1 oz. (3658 Kg).
With this ‘Modern Day’ example there is actually no need as it IS Fleur de Lisle / Steel Shot compatable. However WHY WOULD YOU? It’s NOT something I would put through any gun.
THERE ARE more and more None Toxic Shot alternatives being produced. WITH near matching performances to traditional lead and close to, if not matching pressures. Take a look at Horton Gunmakers for their own entry into this debacle of modern day shooting. IF its so lethally deadly to shooters and game eaters how is it every old lead water main supply pipe is not getting ripped out and replaced? To my mind it’s a DISGRACE that the shooting industry did not simply ask that one simple question. NO, they saw an excuse to charge a fortune and that mainly to the detriment of the quarry. Just my opinion …..for what its worth?
NOW, to TRY and help speed up availability I WILL also suggest that YOU pass on details to everyone you know who shoots. Then ALL of us start to ask whoever we buy from why they are not DEMANDING cartridges made in this material? Basically VOTE with your WALLET. YES, it will take a little time for everything to filter through but patience IS a virtue. It also allows everyone who wants to keep hold of their ‘old favourite’ for the rest of their lives. Even pass it on to the next generation and hopefully beyond!
On that note I AM looking into the possibility of stocking some direct from Steve at Hortons. RING for an update and keep checking the web site.