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Side by Side 20g Boxlock Ejector from Joseph Lang of London and nicely in time for the 2024 season.
26” (660mm) Barrels coupled with a 14 5/8” (373mm) Stock / Trigger Pull. Combined bringing in an overall length at 42 ¾”. That is all WITH the Stock Extension piece which adds 1 5/8” (41mm). That removed still leaves a 13” (330mm) pull with no recoil pad fitted etc. 2 ½” (65mm) Traditional English Game Chambers with 7/8 oz load stamped too. Stick with that or even lighter and enjoy your shooting. As with ANYTHING in THIS world its about ACCURACY. You can pull the trigger on a gun throwing out 1 ½ Lbs of shot. Leaving you on your backside in the mud with a dislocated shoulder. If the cloud of shot is not in the right place as the target goes by its still a miss! Stick to a sensible load and you WILL get far more enjoyable shooting done. After all, if its on target , a single pellet will do the job.
Original High Grade Walnut Stock with a definite Left Hand Cast. However, I shoot from the right shoulder and this still manages to mount centrally for me so?? As with any shotgun it has to be tried for fit. The closer to perfect the more likely you WILL hit your target. Highly Decorative with Excellent Colour Contrast and Plenty of Grain Pattern. Tear Drops to the sides which always adds to appearance and points to a higher grade gun usually. All Chequering is still Well Defined and Very Clean. The extension piece a nicely contrasting Tight Straight Grain piece to make a feature out of it. In many ways its pointless trying to match timber in these examples. It ALWAYS shows. As above measurements though, with a full depth 1” (25mm) plus recoil pad its original stock would be circa average. Just making the point it could go back to original for a smaller shot etc.
Full Scroll Engraving to the Action all the way around. Top, Bottom and both Sides with Makers Name Detail in the Arc Shaped Banners. Also detailed with Joseph Lang and Son to the Right Barrel Top and 7, Bury Street, St James’s London Left. Concave Tapering Rib.
As it is this IS a VERY Nice little Super Lightweight 20g from one of THE BEST London makers. Had Royal Patronage gone their way this would be enjoying a price tag several times bigger. As it is I think THIS asking price is more than fare.
As for the Lead Sh-t ‘FIASCO’? READ ON:
THERE ARE more and more None Toxic Shot alternatives being produced. WITH near matching performances to traditional lead and close to, if not matching pressures. Take a look at Horton Gunmakers for their own entry into this debacle of modern day shooting. IF its so lethally deadly to shooters and game eaters how is it every old lead water main supply pipe is not getting ripped out and replaced? To my mind it’s a DISGRACE that the shooting industry did not simply ask that one simple question. NO, they saw an excuse to charge a fortune and that mainly to the detriment of the quarry. Just my opinion …..for what its worth?
Anyway, take a look for yourself:
NOW, to TRY and help speed up availability I WILL also suggest that YOU pass on details to everyone you know who shoots. Then ALL of us start to ask whoever we buy from why they are not DEMANDING cartridges made in this material? Basically VOTE with your WALLET.
YES, it will take a little time for everything to filter through but patience IS a virtue. It also allows everyone who wants to keep hold of their ‘old favourite’ for the rest of their lives. Even pass it on to the next generation and hopefully beyond!
On that note I AM looking into the possibility of stocking some direct from Steve at Hortons. RING for an update and keep checking the web site.