Any and all should and generally do offer up reasonable performance for what money they are. Hopefully the choices here bring that extra quality and reliability needed for as trouble free use as possible. Along with opportunity for the best results.
Obviously the higher end units offer more features and image quality with final choice down to you and budget. Many now have WI-FI and even internet connectivity. They can be securely paired with a mobile and or computer to give out immediate alerts 24 hours a day. That’s anywhere on the planet. Literally log on and check exactly what’s going on in any location just as fast as you can make a call.
Just as easily moved to anywhere new. Keep track of any and all visitors to and from properties. Be that two legged or four in residential or rural. These cameras not only help you find out exactly what and / or who is wandering about but also what time. Coupled with a Solar Power Panel they can also offer 365 days a year extra eyes anywhere and zero maintenance.
All DO have limitations in what information and practical use they can offer. As in they are ‘fixed position’ units with no remote access to allow the lens to move / follow a subject. Also any memory card does require sufficient capacity dependant on all factors. Time between visits to physically check etc. The numbers of recorded activity. Image quality choice. Still pictures or multiples of and then full video when movement is detected etc. Therefore some thought does need to be given to ultimate location placement for best results. Equally, as detailed they are also easily moveable from inches through to miles if need be.