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TOP of the Range Remington Model 700 Bolt Action VSSF (Varmint Stainless Steel Fluted) Rifle in EVER popular calibre .223. This is basically the modern day equivalent of what used to be their Sendero Model. 26” (660mm) Original None threaded Stainless Steel barrel with 6 Stepped Flutes. The hollows finished in Black to offer a Great Aesthetic Finish. Pull measure to 14 ¼” (363mm) and together give an overall length at 46 1/8” (1170mm). Bare rifle weighing in at 8 Lbs 9oz (3.878 Kg).

Yet another Rifle in For Sale that its difficult to understand HOW its still in the condition it is. Basically all but Immaculate inside as well as out. Not sure if the Stock is not actually Bell and Carlson manufacture. Pretty sure they were on these top end rifles at the time. CERTAINLY appears to be the same or Very Similar to other stocks I have here or seen. Certainly 100% RIGID regardless of who’s. Assuming it is, and its condition it means whoever buys this is getting the actual rifle for FREE. Or pretty close to. Just check out the costs of a stock alone these days. Finished in Green with Black Fleck Pattern and Original Remington Detailed Black Soft Cell Recoil Pad. Not really needed given the weight against calibre recoil but Very Comfortable anyway.

As such I consider this to be something of a BARGAIN. I DO also like it a LOT myself. I currently have a Sendero in .220 Swift that all but ‘drives itself’. My gut tells me this WILL do the exact same job. That of making the first hole only slightly bigger with subsequent shots. IN FACT, as I type I am finding it hard to finish the advert and not simply grab it for myself. You ARE now WARNED.

Fitted with an Adjustable Trigger which are a MASSIVE improvement on what a Remi trigger used to be like. Hinged Magazine Floorplate and Trigger Guard 100% Unmarked. Given this is usually one of the very first places to show signs of any use. As such, an excellent indication this has spent most of its life to date in the dark. Locked up in a cabinet. For another pointer / conformation just check out the Bolt Shaft. The original Jewelling is also unmarked. That NEVER takes many cycles of the bolt to start to show wear.

Double Front Sling Stud to facilitate an Independent fixing point for a Bi-Pod as well as Carry Sling.

Not sure what the twist Rate is on this particular gun. No doubt a quick search on line will provide answers. Regardless, this IS going to make someone a Rather Special Rifle for Fox Control as well as anything else. Deer Legal for Roe North of the Border as well as Chinese and Muntjack to the South.
